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We Give Parents a Playbook for Raising Spiritually Strong, Resilient Kids.

Unfortunately, there are no schools to attend to learn how to become effective parents (We’re working to fix that!). Every day, an increasing number of parents are filled with fear as they watch their children drift further away from God’s plan and purpose for their lives. Most parents today confess to not having any good examples or role models growing up to emulate in their parent journey today. On top of that, many parents have no idea how to instill their faith and values into their kids or live them out as a family in the face of endless distractions and culture wars. 

But that’s not the end of the story. Instead of giving in to worry or apathy, you as a parent can utilize tools, resources, training, mentorship, and community to go to war spiritually on behalf of your kids.

 Parents, you need more than just prayer. You need a game plan for raising spiritually and morally strong, resilient kids. It’s your most important legacy!

Essential Resources for Parents to WIN

Why Your Kids Do What They Do 

As a parent, have you ever wondered why teenagers do what they do? 


7 Day Family Challenge

Start with just 7 days to begin turning things around with your family relationships.


The Winning Family Podcast

At home or in the car, listen in to keep your head in the parenting game. 


As a parent are you...


Living in reactive mode? 

Overwhelmed by distractions?

Living in constant conflict and tension?


Read Encouraging Blog Posts Here!

Turn these hurdles into victories so you can WIN as a family! Get valuable parenting insights sent straight to your inbox and stay up-to-date on the latest news and resources. Most importantly, be encouraged as a parent as you learn how to utilize an ongoing spiritual game plan for raising morally resilient kids. 


Who we are

The Winning Family is your hub of resources on how to leave a positive spiritual legacy in your children’s lives. After over 33 years of marriage and raising three children, we know firsthand how hard it is to stand strong and thrive as a Christian family in today’s world. Along the way, God has shown us how to chase after His heart in leading our children. And after speaking to over 2 million youth, and working with thousands of couples and parents, we’re here to help you set your marriage and family up for success. No matter your past or current circumstances, we want to help you WIN in your most important relationships. Because when families succeed, everyone wins. 

Rodney and Michelle Gage are the co-founders of The Winning Family and ReThink Life Church in Orlando, Florida. The have been married for over 30 years and have three amazing children and two sons-in-law, and have recently welcomed their first grandchildren into the world. For over three decades, they have devoted their lives to helping people live life on purpose through their full-time ministry. Both Rodney and Michelle saw an urgent need to help overwhelmed parents develop a plan to invest in the spiritual lives of their children and leave a lasting, faith-filled legacy. The result is The Winning Family.

Support Our Ministry - DONATE NOW

Join the waiting list for the Family Shift Academy.  

Our 90-Day mentoring program designed to champion parents to raise spiritually strong, resilient kids. 

Does Your Family Need Prayer?

Let Us Know How We Can Pray for You


Your Influence Matters

 “Contrary to popular opinions, the most powerful influence in a child’s life are parents.”  – Pastor Rodney Gage

Do YOU know the true influence you have over your child’s life? Do you let other influences push out the faith seeds you are sewing over time into your child’s heart? Do you take your family to church? Have you grown discouraged, confused, or given up altogether in instilling your faith to your children? You are not alone. 

Please be encouraged—there’s still time to turn things around. We at The Winning Family are in your corner. We want to provide you with essential resources to help you thrive as a parent, overcome challenges, and leave a lasting Christian legacy. All of this really IS possible! 

A legacy is not something we leave for our children but in our children. This is what will continue from generation to generation. Of course, in the parenting journey, the ultimate measure of success won’t be truly revealed until we stand before God to give an account for what we did with the precious gifts He entrusted us with—our children. We believe that as parents/caregivers, our most significant contribution to the Kingdom of God may not be something we do ... but someone we raise.

The best time for you as a parent to start leaving a spiritual legacy is right now. Instead of being “reactive” and on the end of a losing battle, you can take a “proactive” approach to raising spiritually strong, resilient kids.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

-Proverbs 22:6

The Winning Family

 7004 Tavistock Lakes Blvd. Apt. 1107

Orlando, FL 32827