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We help you win at home and life.

Develop A Plan - Live With Intention - Win At Life


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Why The Winning Family?

  • The demands between work and home are pulling your family in different directions with conflicting priorities causing you to feel overwhelmed and defeated with little to no margin.
  • You feel burdened about the negative influence of friendships, culture, video games, and social media that negatively impact your kids, and you feel inadequate to guide them. 
  • You have a desire to grow in your marriage and raise spiritually and morally strong children so they can reach their full potential so everyone in your family can win at home and in life and create a lasting legacy of your own. 

We Help You Achieve

We get it

After 32 years of marriage and raising three children of our own, we know how hard it is to stand firm against the competing voices and endless distractions that can come against our families. At The Winning Family, we are committed to coming along aside you as your family mentors and coaching you through a winning strategy for your marriage and family so you can win at home and in life.

Here's how we do it


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The Winning Family Blog!

If you're like most couples and parents, you desire to have winning relationships, but you keep bumping into obstacles that hold you back. We get it! You don't have to try to figure it out on your own. Get the hope and how-to's you need by subscribing to The Winning Family Blog delivered directly into your inbox 100% free.

The Winning Family Podcast

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Our lives have become much more complicated and fast-paced than only a few decades ago, and people in all seasons and from all walks of life are struggling to juggle the demands of work and home. Whether you are single or married, if you have children and are attempting to lead your family in our current culture, The Double Win is for you. 


Let's connect

For comments or questions, please send us an e-mail.

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The Winning Family


7004 Tavistock Lakes Blvd. Apt. 1107

Orlando, FL 32827